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Document Number CLNR-L247

Date Posted 23-Jan 2015

Developing the smarter grid: the role of industrial and commercial and distributed generation customers


This report draws together the key learning from the Customer-Led Network Revolution project with respect to the flexibility services industrial & commercial (I&C) customers and distributed generators can provide for distribution network operators to help them efficiently manage network constraints and keep future reinforcement costs down for the benefit of all customers. It forms part of a suite of comprehensive suite of high-level project learning outputs which are listed under related documents.

This report is written for DNOs, regulators, energy suppliers, transmission operators and aggregators as well as customers that wish to engage with the electricity market through the provision of ancillary services such as demand-side response and focuses on the learning from our I&C trials in the following areas:

Static demand-side response
Analysis of half-hourly customer consumption patterns to understand whether the April 2010 tariff reform, which led to the introduction of the red, amber, green time-of-use (ToU) pricing signals in the common distribution charging methodology (CDCM), has had any impact on the behaviour of customer electricity consumption patterns

On-demand demand-side response
Demand-side response trials with a range of industrial and commercial customers to test different recruitment methodologies, commercial arrangements and methods of operation

Generator voltage support
Operating generation in voltage control mode on a DNO network through the control of reactive power

Generator contribution to network security
A review of generation profiles from a range of generation types and an evaluation of whether there is any need to amend ENA ETR130: Application Guide for assessing the capacity of networks containing distributed generation’ in respect of distributed generation contribution to system security.

This report is a draft for consultation and may be updated to reflect the outcomes of our consultation and peer review. The consultation period closes on 20th February 2015. For information on how to provide written feedback, please contact Liz Sidebotham on 0191 229 4242 or The final version of this report will be issued by the end of March 2015.

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