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Document Number CLNR-L086

Date Posted 17-Nov 2014

Report on enhanced profiling of domestic customers with Micro-CHP


This report presents an analysis of the performance of domestic Micro-CHP devices, installed at 11 separate domesitc locations for the CLNR project. The report addresses Learning Objective 1 of the project, which is to enhance understanding of current, emerging and possible future customer load and generation characteristics.

The technology installed is a Baxi Ecogen Stirling engine, with a maximum heat output of 6kW, a maximum electrical output of 1kW, and an overall efficiency of 90% [1], producing a heat to power ratio of 6:1, an electric efficiency of 13%, and a heat efficiency of 77%.

In each location, two parameters were monitored: the electrical demand from and generation produced by the micro-CHP engine; and the amount of electricity imported (or exported) from the grid by the house as a whole. Both were measured in average watts per measured interval, with measurements taken every minute. Trial monitoring began in December 2012 and ended in March 2014. Trial monitoring data was provided by British Gas. The analysis in this report focuses on two areas; the economic and carbon savings of the Micro-CHP and the operating profile of the Micro-CHP and thus the potential impact on distribution networks.

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