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Document Number CLNR-L037

Date Posted 23-Oct 2013

Social science interim report 2


This report provides the second interim analysis of the data produced by the social science team at Durham University.

It provides findings in response to the overall Learning Outcomes of the CLNR project and the more detailed questions being used to structure the social science team’s activities.

Its main purpose is to share findings with project partners and other stakeholders as they emerge in order that stakeholders can use the learning and feedback into the analysis process. The report draws upon the data collected from 233 face to face research visits to households and SMEs undertaken between May 2012 and April 2013 as well as presenting initial analysis of an online survey of 731 domestic customers.

Whilst the report builds on the themes and research findings outlined in the first interim report and seeks to develop more detailed analyses, it should be considered a mid-term report of findings and emerging conclusions that stands between the first interim report and the final project reporting documents. This report makes initial comparisons between groups of householders identified through the analysis but does not provide comprehensive analysis of the differences between socio-technically or socio-demographically discreet categories.

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