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Document Number CLNR-L200

Date Posted 31-Oct 2014

CLNR Network Trials: A guide to the datasets


Over a four- year period, the CLNR project has been assessing the effectiveness of a range of novel network technologies. The aim of these network trials was to explore smarter alternatives that could utilise existing assets more efficiently and defer or avoid the need for network reinforcement.

The technologies trialled include Electrical Energy Storage, Real-Time Thermal Rating and Enhanced Automatic Voltage Control at both primary and secondary substations. In other studies these technologies have been deployed individually at higher voltages, however data from the large-scale CLNR trials provides new learning for network operators into the effectiveness of these technologies when deployed in combinations and in conjunction with customer response at lower voltage levels.

This document provides a summary overview of the network trials data which was published 31st October 2014.

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