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Document Number CLNR-L118

Date Posted 15-Dec 2014

CLNR Trial Analysis: Electrical Energy Storage (100kVA/200kWh) Powerflow Management


As part of the Customer Led Network Revolution (CLNR) project, an Electrical Energy Storage (EES) facility has been installed in part of the Rise Carr network, at High Northgate, Darlington. The secondary substation, where the EES is installed, feeds 213 customers. The EES facility, titled EES2, has a converter rated at 100 kVA and a battery rated at 200 kWh. Trials of EES2 under autonomous control were carried out during June 2014. This report details the validation, extension, extrapolation, enhancement and generalization (VEEEG) of these trials.

The work detailed in this document is conducted using the IPSA2 models of Rise Carr network to evaluate the capability of High Northgate HV/LV 0.350 MVA transformer in accommodating LCT following the deployment of EES2 (100kVA, 200kWh). This has been achieved using validated network models and a combination of real and synthesised load and generation data.

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