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Document Number CLNR-L101

Date Posted 26-Feb 2015

CLNR SME Survey Report


This report describes the results of a survey carried out as part of the CLNR project with the purpose of exploring the attitudes to energy, electricity and flexibility show by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). In CLNR, SMEs are defined as non-domestic, non-mandatorily half-hourly metered customers (i.e. non-residential customers with a maximum demand requirement of less than 100kW) and represent a broad range of sectors and company sizes.

The stated aims of the SME survey were;

  • To verify the accuracy of classification data provided about the customer by British Gas, which was used in the stratification of the sample
  • To gather information about the factors identified as important in the prior evidence review and reviews of EDRP and CER’s trial in Ireland
  • To gather information about SME perceptions of the ease, desirability, and prior experience of demand side management in the forms investigated within the study (perceptions of ability to shift loads away from peak, perceptions of ability to accept direct control of electricity supply by DNOs, interest in low carbon technologies, and prior experience of time of use tariffs)
  • To gather information about the presence of low carbon technologies within SMEs in the study and interest in these among SMEs
  • To gather information about energy practices within SMEs
  • To make results comparable to previous studies where possible


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